Re-Engage Before it’s too Late

Fatigue and disconnect impacting work lives. The world has not yet left the COVID-19 pandemic behind and so remote working, disconnected workplaces, masks and distancing remain a constant for the foreseeable future. This means that your employees run the risk of suffering from work from home (WFH) fatigue…

Business gets Behind “Made in Africa” and Buy Africa for Africa

With the Covid-19 pandemic pushing African nations to develop local solutions to the continent’s challenges, the time has come to rally around the Pan African agenda; to collaborate and leverage the unique and diverse skills and resources of each region in Africa to drive growth and prosperity across…

Hirsch’s 42 Years On

Hirsch’s is today the largest independently owned appliance and electronics retail company in Southern Africa. This month marks their 42nd year in business and unlike other retail outlets that experienced significant losses during the pandemic, Hirsch’s achieved well over their budget. Founder Allan Hirsch said that when they…

Bosch Shows the way to Ultimate Smart Home

Viewing the contents of your fridge while at the shops is no longer that farfetched as households are becoming increasingly digital. Smart home technology has leveraged connectivity that allows owners to obtain access to their home, and this technological trend is on the rise in South Africa. In…

Green Shoots of Recovery

According to CSIL, the international trade of office furniture showed the first signs of recovery in the second half of 2020. The bulk of office furniture exports originates in China, Canada, Germany, the USA and Italy. In particular, China increased its share on world exports from 30% in…
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