Viewing the contents of your fridge while at the shops is no longer that farfetched as households are becoming increasingly digital. Smart home technology has leveraged connectivity that allows owners to obtain access to their home, and this technological trend is on the rise in South Africa.
In keeping with the current trend, Bosch Home Appliances is pioneering the way towards the smart kitchen in South Africa.
Here in South Africa, Bosch is launching technology that will enable consumers to control their home appliances easily from a single application. This will allow them to organise their daily lives simply and efficiently. The appeal is clear – more information, more control, and more automation of your home means better decisions and optimisation of limited time and resources.
The technology that allows consumers to control their appliances using a digital platform is known as Home Connect. With Bosch’s new connected appliances, consumers can literally switch on their oven using either their mobile phones or tablets. With Home Connect, consumers can also start the washing machine wherever they are and even check the contents of their fridge while grocery shopping.
To do so, consumers need to download the Home Connect app onto their mobile phone or tablet. Via the app, users can monitor the state of their appliances at any time and from anywhere. The Home Connect app provides consumers with easy and remote access to their appliances. It also selects programs; adjust timers, sets appliances to eco mode and much more.
Bosch understands that connectivity is an increasingly important part of life and as a result has developed connected appliances to make life at home simpler and easier for the consumer.
“Home Connect is the future and a whole new way of life. Consumers who choose a connected Bosch home appliance today can face the future with complete peace of mind”, assured Bosch Communications Manager, Estiaan De Lange.
“In addition, Home Connect creates an ecosystem for the entire home appliance portfolio, as the app also provides consumers with numerous functions and services from connected partners, creating a network of possibilities. With Bosch’s expanding list of global digital collaborations in a huge array of areas, including shopping, recipes, voice assistants (such as Alexa), connected appliances and services, Bosch consumers are guaranteed to always be up-to-date when it comes to smart services”, conclude Estiaan de Lange